Sunday, January 21, 2007

super bowl shuffle

da bears Originally uploaded by nepalblue.


Saturday, January 20, 2007

"we talkin' about practice..

another quick study/practice Originally uploaded by nepalblue.

Not a game.. not a game... .. not a game. We talkin' about.. practice." - AI

Sorry, I got carried away.

I've been practicing; doing some color studies of random objects. Just trying to keep sharp... not going for perfection (yet). As for the commission, the canvas has been stretched (and damn well, if I might add). So now, I'm about to start the drawing/inking - hopefully, I'll be underpainting by Monday.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

i'm back!

goodbye sky harbor Originally uploaded by nepalblue.

Back to reality, and after quite the hiatus, I'm finally posting here.

I spent the last week back in Arizona with the Zona posse (sans Joe). We hiked, we drew, we drove (lo drove a lot), we walked, we didn't sleep much, we chilled, we went out, we watched DA' BEARS beat the Seahawks, Casey ran a half marathon (we congratulated him), we ate dinner outside in miserable weather, we wii'd, we played poker, we played ultimate frisbee, we came, we saw, we conquered, we did a lot more, and we enjoyed each others' company. There were a few firsts for me on this trip too - Exploring camelback, the Phoenix Art Museum, and a nascent friendship; all which have sparked a new source of inspiration.

So, now I'm back with the snow and the negative degree windchill, which is okay, because the cold is needed to appreciate the warmth (deep!). Best part about being back is being able to sleep in my own bed (I do appreciate you letting me use your cot Jeff), and being able to take a real shower (no offense Jim, but that might be the worst shower head in the history of shower heads).

There is some good work ahead of me as well. I have another commission through the Eye Associates of New Mexico, and in February, I'm heading back to Santa Fe to monitor/assist Timothy Stotz's workshop (see Silver Fortress / Studio Escalier - initially I was supposed to have the position for Michelle Tulley's class, but it got switched around). The waves have been going my way as of late, and I plan on riding them as far as I can (and then I'll swim out to the next). I'll continue to work on studies as well. Now, I'm going to go stretch some canvas. Late.