Wednesday, October 11, 2006

not done yet?

turtle's pace
Originally uploaded by nepalblue.

I didn't get the chance to post yesterday, so here is where I left off today. She is coming along pretty well. Tony seemed pretty happy with it. He gave me a little advice, and I worked that back into the painting - which kept me from getting as far as I had hoped to today. But no problem. Tomorrow, the first thing I am going to work on will be those areas around her mouth, followed by her forehead. Hopefully then, I will be able to finish the form along the side of her head. So definitely check back tomorrow night. Now that I think about it, I am going to dinner with a few classmates before drawing, so it will be 50/50 (I will or I won't) whether I post or not. I'll see if I can get a few minutes in.

The balloons are crazy! makes for a really enjoyable (well, even more so) ride down Tramway. I am definitely going to try and wake up for the ascension on Saturday. Late.


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